Thursday, September 20, 2012

FFOE Creativity

J.P. Guilford believes that Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, and Elaboration describe creativity. Personally, I struggle with originality the most. It sounds sad, but I honestly feel like I have very few original ideas these days. Perhaps it has something to do with the theory that schools kill creativity. I just often find myself struggling to come up with something brand new, and not regurgitated. Storybird helped me with my originality a bit because I never thought about using online books in Speech Therapy. It provided me with an idea, but I applied it differently than the traditional use. I think that qualifies as originality. It can also be applied with flexibility, considering the user can alter the text in any book any way they wish.

I looked a little a Worditout, a program that allows users to create word clouds. This could be really beneficial for younger students who are learning about different kinds of words (adverbs, adjectives, nouns, etc.). I certainly could see myself using this in the future.

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